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Estimated delivery date for return shipments on Returns Dashboard

Jason Ma
February 3, 2025 at 10:12 pm
Consider leveraging Estimated Delivery Dates for Return Shipments as a column on the Returns Dashboard

Ability to refund shipping automatically in the returns portal

Jeremy Bobbitt
February 3, 2025 at 8:19 pm
Currently you can manually refund the shipping fee in the admin manually, but would like the ability for it to be automatic.

How to Automatically Change Order Status to "Completed" with AfterShip in WooCommerce?

Luis Melchor
December 16, 2024 at 8:50 pm
I want the order status to automatically change to "Completed" when the tracking code is entered in the AfterShip plugin in WooCommerce. Is it possible to achieve this through the plugin settings, or is there a snippet that can help me make it happen?

Add ability to be able to upload separate Desktop and Mobile images for the returns tracking page

Jeremy Bobbitt
February 3, 2025 at 7:28 pm
Add the ability to upload a separate images for desktop and mobile header logos. An example of the what the UI could like like is below. Returns > Customizations > Returns page

Delay reason analysis

Levi MacKenzie
June 28, 2024 at 10:50 pm
I would like to view the chart showing reasons for late shipments in the current on-time report that I am using.

Configurable "item not found image" with Returns Portal item selection for items that dont have image URL

Jason Ma
February 3, 2025 at 10:07 pm
Like to set their own “Image not found” image for Products in the Returns Portal. That way, If a Product is not sent to AfterShip with an Image URL, they have an image that looks more branded. Today, when an item does have an img url, the Return Portal defaults to the missing image icon. Request - have a function within Return Portal where if any items on my return portal dont have an image URL, it can set to a image that I select instead of defaulting to the standard broken/no image icon.

Anti-fraud reporting and risk checks

Penelope Perry
March 4, 2024 at 5:19 pm
As a business owner, I am seeking a system that can facilitate risk level scoring for each RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) and enable my staff to input risk assessment findings based on actual RMA inspections. This system will enable us to assess risk levels effectively and respond accordingly. Moreover, the system will allow for the reporting of any detected fraud instances. Implementing this system is crucial for mitigating fraud occurrences, as well as proactively preventing future fraudulent activities. Such measures are instrumental in safeguarding my business's profitability in the long term.

Provide Cost of tracking as data in analytics

Ethan White
May 23, 2024 at 1:17 pm
The ability to see how much it cost per tracking label for the carrier, alongside all the other analytics would be beneficial to business operations. Having “cost” as a piece of data collect and display in analytics will help us make larger business decisions when it comes to choice of carrier preferences to know which carrier is best to work with in the long run. I believe this feature will be great value add to Aftership as well!

Add a Shipping Status Button for Completed Orders directly inside WooCoomerce

Giulio Riotta
January 24, 2025 at 1:59 pm
Good morning, It would be incredibly useful to enhance the WooCommerce plugin by adding a button to the Orders section for each completed order. This button would allow customers to directly view the shipping status and the various stages leading up to delivery on the store’s website. For those managing e-commerce platforms, keeping users on the site is crucial. That’s why this feature would be so beneficial! Additionally, it would encourage users to create an account on the site, which would be another positive outcome. Thank you.

Removing the background in the mobile view of emails

Giulio Riotta
January 24, 2025 at 1:30 pm
Good morning, When viewing notification emails on a mobile device, the background colour only appears at the top as a small strip. As a result, the background colour on the sides and beneath the email is completely lost. I therefore propose hiding the background area entirely on mobile, displaying only what is within the content background, which is the main body of the email. Thank you.

Idea Portal