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Shipments Header

Jana Churich
October 25, 2024 at 4:12 pm
Titles should update with count of items in the section so you know it's updating and should be clicked on.

Provide Cost of tracking as data in analytics

Ethan White
May 23, 2024 at 1:17 pm
The ability to see how much it cost per tracking label for the carrier, alongside all the other analytics would be beneficial to business operations. Having “cost” as a piece of data collect and display in analytics will help us make larger business decisions when it comes to choice of carrier preferences to know which carrier is best to work with in the long run. I believe this feature will be great value add to Aftership as well!

Enhance the process of uneven exchanges for “Replace with the same item”

Sebastian Jenkins
March 18, 2024 at 2:36 am
As a merchant, I allow shoppers to exchange items for different variants during returns, which may have different prices. For example, a Small size costs $30 while a Large size costs $50. Currently, Shopify allows me to adjust prices manually only after the Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) is submitted. If aftership could facilitate charging or refunding price differences for variants during the return request process, it would greatly streamline our operations and enhancing the overall efficiency of RMA management.
In development

Tags to alert merchants about combined orders.

Caleb Patel
July 19, 2024 at 10:48 am
In Shopify, merchants cannot identify which orders were combined in TTS. This will increase the risk of merchants repeatedly fulfil the same order items. To address this issue proactively, I would recommend that we introduce a hint or tag within Shopify to alert merchants about combined orders, thus avoid this situation from happening.

Support "not-for-sale products" listing

Henry Baker
June 15, 2024 at 10:47 am
That would be great if Feed could accommodate the listing of "not-for-sale products" on TTS. This feature is newly introduced in TTS, where the product is not for sale to shoppers but will be gifted to them instead.

希望Back in Stock的Subscription button可以在多语言版本下显示。

Elegoo Store
March 12, 2025 at 3:34 am
在英语版本下,缺货订阅按钮会正常显示: 在法语及其他语言版本下,缺货订阅按钮未显示:

Estimated delivery date for return shipments on Returns Dashboard

Jason Ma
February 3, 2025 at 10:12 pm
Consider leveraging Estimated Delivery Dates for Return Shipments as a column on the Returns Dashboard

Tracking by Account Number

Chris Nichols
November 6, 2024 at 10:34 pm
As a user, I'd like the ability to pull in tracking numbers to my dashboard by parcel account number so that I can view all shipments assigned to a specific or multiple parcel accounts. For example I have 10 parcel accounts (4 with DHL and 6 with FedEx). I'd like the ability to utilize the parcel account number(s) instead of the API to pull in tracking associated with my parcel accounts.

Multiple Tracking Numbers - Comma Separated

Oliver Mortimer
October 25, 2024 at 12:22 pm
When I receive tracking from suppliers, I add manually to AfterShip. Usually there's more than 1 tracking number, for the same courier, so it would be great to able to add multiple tracking numbers at the same time as comma separated. When clicking Save, it would then use all the information entered, for example; Customer name, order number etc etc. Below example for tracking number 123456789 and 987654321

Perhaps AI can help me select videos to showcase?

Ella Green
July 1, 2024 at 9:30 pm
The same videos are displayed to shoppers on my collection page or recommendation widgets. I want greater exposure to alternative products and videos, but selecting which ones to display and updating them regularly feels overwhelming. Furthermore, testing to determine which video garners the most traffic is even more challenging. I have no idea if my efforts will result in sales. If only there is a tool could help!

Idea Portal