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Support setting the total number of emails that can be sent by each contact within a certain period of time (frequency)

Scarlett Carter
August 27, 2024 at 11:52 am
Support setting the total number of emails that can be sent by each contact within a certain period of time (frequency), including flows and newsletters. I aim to reduce interruptions for my customers while still capturing important messages, which is why I am seeking more flexibility in the configurations.

Can AI be used to address differences among products within the same category?

Nathan Rivera
April 15, 2024 at 8:52 am
I work in the furniture industry with thousands of products and continuous new product listings. Consumers often inquire about variations in materials and sizes between similar pieces of furniture, placing a significant burden on my support team. Generating comparison pages for every query we receive is unfeasible due to the volume of requests. Given the potential of AI to suggest comparable items, could it also be leveraged to pinpoint disparities among products and present these distinctions to consumers? Such a system can alleviate my workload significantly and potentially reduce bounce rates as well.

Add SKU numbers in the return portal

Rowan Valentin
January 28, 2025 at 2:24 pm
Goal: To make it easier for customers to accurately select the correct item for return when using the return portal. Preconditions: The customer has placed an order containing multiple items, some of which may have similar or identical titles, colors, or sizes. The SKU numbers for the items exist in the system but are not currently displayed in the return portal. Trigger: The customer initiates a return and accesses the return portal to select the item(s) they wish to return. Basic Flow: The customer logs into the return portal. The portal displays the items from their order, including details such as title, color, size, and now the SKU number for each item. The customer uses the SKU number to cross-reference their order confirmation or invoice, ensuring they select the correct item for return. The customer completes the return process with confidence that the correct item has been selected. Postconditions: The customer successfully returns the correct item without confusion. The support team receives fewer inquiries about mismatched returns. Benefits: For Customers: Improved user experience by reducing confusion when selecting items for return. Greater confidence in completing returns independently. For the Business: Reduced customer support requests related to returns. Increased efficiency in processing returns, minimizing errors caused by incorrect item selection. Priority: Medium – This enhancement has a high potential to improve customer satisfaction with a relatively low implementation effort. Technical Requirements: Modify the front-end display of the return portal to include SKU numbers as part of the product details. Ensure the SKU numbers are fetched and displayed consistently across all customer orders. This use case focuses on enhancing the clarity of the return process for customers while streamlining operational efficiency for the business.

Allow AfterShip customers to remove emails from the Unsubscribe list

Jim McGregor
January 23, 2025 at 4:07 pm
I have had customers who have accidently unsubscribed themselves from receiving AfterShip emails. I can see them in the Unsubscribe list, but I cannot remove them. Please add a feature that would allow AfterShip administrators to remove emails from the Unsubscribe list. Currently this process has to be done by the AfterShip tech team. By making this a self-service feature, you will reduce the labor required by the AfterShip team and make the product more efficient.

Custom RMA Cancellation Timeframe

Abby Hatchimonji
March 11, 2025 at 8:33 pm
Enable merchants to customize the duration before an RMA is automatically canceled. Currently, the system only allows for auto-cancellation after 28 days of inactivity. To better suit our company's needs, we would like the option to extend this period.

How to Automatically Change Order Status to "Completed" with AfterShip in WooCommerce?

Luis Melchor
December 16, 2024 at 8:50 pm
I want the order status to automatically change to "Completed" when the tracking code is entered in the AfterShip plugin in WooCommerce. Is it possible to achieve this through the plugin settings, or is there a snippet that can help me make it happen?

Removing the background in the mobile view of emails

Giulio Riotta
January 24, 2025 at 1:30 pm
Good morning, When viewing notification emails on a mobile device, the background colour only appears at the top as a small strip. As a result, the background colour on the sides and beneath the email is completely lost. I therefore propose hiding the background area entirely on mobile, displaying only what is within the content background, which is the main body of the email. Thank you.

How do EDDs work with multiple locations?

Layla Ross
August 18, 2024 at 2:18 am
I am the owner of a fashion company preparing to expand my business operations in the US. I have been utilizing Aftership EDD for some time now and I'm interested in learning how to configure my EDDs to accommodate multiple locations. Specifically, I have two separate locations in Australia and the US where identical SKUs are stocked. In cases where a particular SKU is out of stock at the US location, I would like orders to be fulfilled using available stock from the AU location as a fallback option. I am seeking guidance on integrating this specific logic into my EDD settings.

Tracking by Account Number

Chris Nichols
November 6, 2024 at 10:34 pm
As a user, I'd like the ability to pull in tracking numbers to my dashboard by parcel account number so that I can view all shipments assigned to a specific or multiple parcel accounts. For example I have 10 parcel accounts (4 with DHL and 6 with FedEx). I'd like the ability to utilize the parcel account number(s) instead of the API to pull in tracking associated with my parcel accounts.

Sync the customer's username from the TTS orders to Shopify.

Luke Gray
April 20, 2024 at 2:09 pm
We want to refer to the customer's username when packing the order. Right now, to do this, we need to download the tiktok orders, connect them to the shopify order number via the tiktok order in the notes field and then connect that to the order number in shipbob. If we had the username in shopify, we could eliminate the step where we have to connect tiktok to shopify.

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