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Estimated delivery date for return shipments on Returns Dashboard

Jason Ma
February 3, 2025 at 10:12 pm
Consider leveraging Estimated Delivery Dates for Return Shipments as a column on the Returns Dashboard

Shopify checkout for Returns

Victoria Ward
March 19, 2024 at 11:29 pm
As a merchant, I would like to charge the cost of return when the shopper chooses to replace the returned item. aftership Returns provides Stripe checkout only for this scenario, but I don't have a Stripe account, I would like to use my Shopify checkout to charge the exchange upsell and cost of return. So that I don't have to open a Stripe checkout and manage two accounts (Shopify and Stripe checkout) at the same time.
In development

Fixed shipping fee for orders over $30.

Lily Hall
June 3, 2024 at 6:33 am
I want all orders over $30 to show a shipping fee of only $2, because this is subsidized by TikTok.

Enable RMA Edits for Admin

Abby Hatchimonji
February 6, 2025 at 9:17 pm
After RMA is created, admin needs the ability to edit details of the return. Including: editing products on return editing customer email/address details add remove return fees prior to receipt of return Often customers will call and need a return label sent to a new email address or want to add or remove items on their return. Also, if items are returned that are not included the return must be canceled and reopened, which is a messy process that sends a ton of unneccessary emails to the customer.

Warranty Add-On Feedback

Cindy Rodriguez
November 7, 2024 at 12:36 am
Hi there, We’re planning to fully transition to your warranty return platform and would like to see the following improvements: Dynamic Reference Lines on Return Shipping Labels: We’d like the option to add customizable reference lines on shipping labels. While there are default placeholders available, we need a more flexible solution to include internal notes that will help us organize returns efficiently. Delayed Replacement Order Processing: We’d prefer the ability to process a replacement order without sending it to Shopify until the carrier marks the warranty return as “en route.” Regex Validation for Warranty Intake Form: Adding regex validation would help us ensure inputs follow specific formats, such as order numbers or serial numbers, for better accuracy.

Returns Order Item Display - Customize Blocklist Error Message Based on Order Items

Jason Ma
February 13, 2025 at 9:45 pm
Brand noted they’d like to be able to clearly communicate why certain Products are on the Blocklist - instead of the general text we have in place, without specifically making the customer review the Policy as a whole. Asking if we could define the error at the Blocklist Product Tag entry level. If the value is left blank, use default content. Current state: After end consumer logs in with Order, non returnable items are greyed and out and we show at the line level a message that states "Does not comply with our return policy." Desired State: After end consumer logs in with Order, non returnable items are greyed and out and we show at the line level a message from a configurable setting within RC where we can pass SKU or Product Category specific messages that state why an item is nt returnable like "Digital Goods are not returnable" or "Bundled Item cannot be returned" or "Last years models are not returnable but warranty available". We'd like to be able to configure our own blocklist message for order item display when the end consumer logs into RC.

Add SKU numbers in the return portal

Rowan Valentin
January 28, 2025 at 2:24 pm
Goal: To make it easier for customers to accurately select the correct item for return when using the return portal. Preconditions: The customer has placed an order containing multiple items, some of which may have similar or identical titles, colors, or sizes. The SKU numbers for the items exist in the system but are not currently displayed in the return portal. Trigger: The customer initiates a return and accesses the return portal to select the item(s) they wish to return. Basic Flow: The customer logs into the return portal. The portal displays the items from their order, including details such as title, color, size, and now the SKU number for each item. The customer uses the SKU number to cross-reference their order confirmation or invoice, ensuring they select the correct item for return. The customer completes the return process with confidence that the correct item has been selected. Postconditions: The customer successfully returns the correct item without confusion. The support team receives fewer inquiries about mismatched returns. Benefits: For Customers: Improved user experience by reducing confusion when selecting items for return. Greater confidence in completing returns independently. For the Business: Reduced customer support requests related to returns. Increased efficiency in processing returns, minimizing errors caused by incorrect item selection. Priority: Medium – This enhancement has a high potential to improve customer satisfaction with a relatively low implementation effort. Technical Requirements: Modify the front-end display of the return portal to include SKU numbers as part of the product details. Ensure the SKU numbers are fetched and displayed consistently across all customer orders. This use case focuses on enhancing the clarity of the return process for customers while streamlining operational efficiency for the business.

Export using screen layout

October 2, 2024 at 6:46 pm
When exporting, it would be handy if there was a third Data Format option. In addition to Standard and Custom, something like “Same as current display” or something like that. An option that would create the csv or xlsx file with the same columns in the same order that are displayed in the current view on the web page. I find myself adding or removing columns in the dashboard in order to see what I want to look at but, if I want to then export it, I need to either recreate the view again in the export wizard (which isn’t always even possible) or export it standard and move stuff around in excel.

Add ability to be able to upload separate Desktop and Mobile images for the returns tracking page

Jeremy Bobbitt
February 3, 2025 at 7:28 pm
Add the ability to upload a separate images for desktop and mobile header logos. An example of the what the UI could like like is below. Returns > Customizations > Returns page

Support Returns API to create RMA Request

Maya Garcia
May 11, 2024 at 7:29 am
The background is that I sell my products on multiple marketplaces, and each has different return flows that the aftership Returns page cannot handle. It would be much easier if there is a Returns API that can meet my requirements below. Need: - I need a Returns API to allow creating RMA/return requests without having to use the Returns Page to file it. - I can call the API and pass the information regarding the Return Reason Resolution, etc in one go. - Once I call this API, it will return creation in Pending or Auto-Approved Status.

Idea Portal