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Fix Direct Links to 'View On Carrier Website'

Oliver Mortimer
December 13, 2024 at 11:33 am
There's quite a few couriers where the 'View on Carrier Website' doesn't take you directly to the trracking page, and instead requires you to enter the tracking number. These can be easily fixed by correcting the URL. For example, for Cainiao the link takes you to; This needs correcting to; Please submit any further examples below.

Enable RMA Edits for Admin

Abby Hatchimonji
February 6, 2025 at 9:17 pm
After RMA is created, admin needs the ability to edit details of the return. Including: editing products on return editing customer email/address details add remove return fees prior to receipt of return Often customers will call and need a return label sent to a new email address or want to add or remove items on their return. Also, if items are returned that are not included the return must be canceled and reopened, which is a messy process that sends a ton of unneccessary emails to the customer.

"By Carrier & Lane" Report

Aria Hughes
April 14, 2024 at 5:59 pm
As a merchant, I would like to break down the shipping volume report by Carrier and Lane. Currently, it can be broken down by only one condition. This would allow us to understand how a carrier is performing in a specific market.

Carry over discounts for exchange on same items

Amy McDonnell
January 23, 2025 at 4:33 am
It would be great if we could allow the discount to carry over to the new order if a customer is just exchanging a size, at the moment our customer is choosing to refund rather then exchange sizing because they have to pay the difference between the original discounted price and the price.

Send the Delivered Status Back to Shopify app

Rita Agarawal
January 7, 2025 at 11:32 am
Currently the aftership is one way communication making it diffucult for business to see integrated full status at one place again when customer login to their shopify page they see status of item still on the way as shopify stops at fullfilled stge. Though the track order option by Aftership is good it is still a bad customer experience.

Customized returns notifications

Shane Fernandes
October 30, 2024 at 6:00 am
The current capability features a static returns approval notification. There are instances where the approval notification should be customized before being sent to the customer. Currently, the only way of doing this is to change the approval notification for all returns, save, go back to the RMA in question, approve it with the new notification, make sure no other returns are approved, go back to the nofication and amend it to how it was prior and save. Use case: there may be a specific product that is available for exchange in store, this needs to be checked with the store first so cannot be a hard rule. If the approval notification could be amended on an adhoc basis, you could give the customer the option at the point of approval and avoid back and forth via email.

Estimated delivery date for return shipments on Returns Dashboard

Jason Ma
February 3, 2025 at 10:12 pm
Consider leveraging Estimated Delivery Dates for Return Shipments as a column on the Returns Dashboard

Can AI be used to address differences among products within the same category?

Nathan Rivera
April 15, 2024 at 8:52 am
I work in the furniture industry with thousands of products and continuous new product listings. Consumers often inquire about variations in materials and sizes between similar pieces of furniture, placing a significant burden on my support team. Generating comparison pages for every query we receive is unfeasible due to the volume of requests. Given the potential of AI to suggest comparable items, could it also be leveraged to pinpoint disparities among products and present these distinctions to consumers? Such a system can alleviate my workload significantly and potentially reduce bounce rates as well.

Link to Return Status Page from Admin & Shareable link to return status page for Customer Service

Jason Ma
February 3, 2025 at 10:10 pm
Would be a great feature if there was a link to the returns status page within the returns dashboard. And if this link can be easily copied so we can share to the end consumer if they call through the contact center/help, then our agents can quickly copy the link and then email/share to the end consumer

Tracking dynamic updates for Emails

Sophia Anderson
March 8, 2024 at 3:29 pm
I guess for shipping emails sent out to my customers, it would be nice to have dynamic info that updates as the package progresses through the network. I also want all my existing emails to stay current. The reason is simply that I wanna give my customers a unified experience by delivering consistent messages to them. I believe this will help with my customer satisfaction.

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